ALIPATE CARLILE and Matthew Lobbe give their take on Thursday night's win over Richmond.

Alipate Carlile

On how the backline worked on Thursday night:
“It started with the mids and the forwards and the pressure they brought and that made the job a fair bit easier down back.

"I thought Hombschy was really good at getting into position and the boys were really aggressive which helps a lot.”

On Charlie Dixon’s impact:
“He came in and played his role like we expected him to - he crashed packs and kicked a goal.

"He’s building towards something good throughout the year so we just expected him to play his role and get the job done.”

Matt Lobbe

On the midfield group:
“As a midfield group we played the way we wanted to play – we were happy to scrap for most of the game."

"There were still a couple of periods we weren’t happy with but we just wanted to be scrappy and hard inside and I thought the mids were pretty good at that.”

Looking ahead:
“Ken was pleased with the effort tonight, but we talked straight after the game about how we are going to train for the next two weeks and making sure all our habits are really good so we can come into Round 1 knowing we’ve done everything we can”


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