PORT ADELAIDE'S sports diplomacy is helping Australia kick goals with its largest trading partner China.
There's no bigger proof of this than with the visit of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to the Power's change rooms before Saturday's 28-point win over the Swans.
Premier Li and Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull enjoyed a hand passing exercise under the watchful eye of Port's own Chinese national player Chen Shaoliang.
Chen plays for Port Adelaide in the SANFL.
The Premier then watched the first quarter of Saturday's game in the stands, but unfortunately had to leave before witnessing his new team storm to a boil over win.
A member of the Premier's entourage on the day, Port Adelaide chief executive Keith Thomas said Port's desire to have meaningful engagement in China, not simply roll in to play a game of AFL footy, was endorsed by the visiting dignitaries.
“Premier Li’s visit to our rooms before today’s game is significant. We understand the importance of government endorsement in China, and we are excited that the central government sees our initiatives as important to the bilateral relationship," Mr Thomas said.
“His visit was not coincidental to our strategy. The emerging sports diplomacy is the result of a conscious strategy to have meaningful engagement in China.
“Premier Li was both engaging and charming. He has written another page in the rich history of our club, which will assist us to achieve further success in our Open to the World strategy.
“We thank the Premier and our own Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull for spending time with us on our first game day of 2017.”