The Port Adelaide Football Club is urging its fans to get their hands dirty this Sunday by planting a tree as part of National Tree Day, supported by Trees for Life.

Power fans will be able to pick up their free seed pack from Planet Teal Zone at Sunday’s game against Fremantle.

Power players Troy Chaplin and Brett Ebert led the way, showing off their tree-planting skills to Alberton Primary students today. Together the players and students planted 60 seedlings, which were donated by Trees for Life.

Power Chief Executive John James said the club is proud to be supporting Trees for Life and National Tree Day.

“The Port Adelaide Football Club, through its community programs, promotes positive environmental messages, and will use Sunday’s National Tree Day to educate our younger members about the benefits of tree planting,” James said.

National Tree Day also kicks off a new relationship between the Power and Trees for Life, who will be engaging the Power’s junior members through the Planet Teal program. Kids will learn the positive difference tree-planting makes to our environment, and that it can bring schools, community groups and local residents together, such as will happen on National Tree Day.