John James has ‘got one’. Warren Tredrea has ‘got one’. And even Michelangelo Rucci has ‘got one’.

Now we’re asking all our Power members and season tickets to go out and GET ONE!

GET ONE of what you may ask? Well, a new person to Join the Powerevolution as a member or season ticket holder. It’s that easy…just one person!

“We all know at least one Power supporter who has never signed on as a member or season ticket holder,” said Power chief executive John James.

“What we’re asking is for our army of supporters to GET ONE new person each on board…it’s that easy!

“We are really excited about the evolution of our team. We have put no limits on this playing group and where it can go so don’t just watch us on television, Join the Powerevolution in 2007 and see us live.”

Power captain Warren Tredrea said that the value of a strong, loud crowd at AAMI Stadium should not be underestimated.

“From a players’ point of view we want to see you, our supporters, at the games…it could be the difference between us winning and losing,” Tredrea said.

“I’ve got one, and I’m going to be checking on our website to see which of our members and season ticket holders have got one.”

Port Adelaide’s second phase of its 2007 membership and season ticket campaign – Join the Powerevolution – officially kicks off today.

How can a current season ticket holder or member GET ONE?

- Simply ring 1300 GO POWER, quote GET ONE and sign up someone yourself.- Have your person ring 1300 GO POWER, quote GET ONE and your name.- Ring 1300 GO POWER or email with the name and number of a person to sign up and we will do the rest.- Sign up or have someone sign up on-line, and note Get One & Name of current Member or Season Ticket holder in the Referee Member Number field.

The club will be acknowledging each current member or season ticket holder who ‘GETS ONE’ on its website at, which will be updated daily. The club will also be acknowledging all those people who GET ONE in its first edition of Power to the People (members’ magazine).

A few people who have already ‘GOT ONE’ to JOIN THE POWEREVOLUTION are:

Greg Boulton, John James, Mark Williams, Warren Tredrea, Darren Adamson, Amanda Butler, Steve Olech, Sean Kirchner, Hitaf Rasheed, Michelangelo Rucci, Tony Saulters, Harry Stoubos,.