Yet whilst Facebook provides a great opportunity for fans to engage with organisations like Port Adelaide and its network of fans, Twitter is fast becoming the tool of choice for those needing an instantaneous fix of news and updates from their celebrities and organisations of choice.
How to use Twitter
After registering at the Twitter homepage, fans can 'Follow' the Club by searching for PAFC in the Twitter search field. Alternatively, click here to go directly to @PAFC.
Interacting with the PAFC
You can only 'tweet' messages of up to 140 characters long - that's the same length as a standard text message on your mobile telephone, and includes spaces and non alphanumeric characters - so make sure you tweet wisely!
Here is an tweet of one of our many Twitter followers:
Brenton Garritty @bgarritty
#WeArePortAdelaide @PAFC Get on board! #adelaide Sign up to be a member of the most successful football club in Australia!
You'll see that Brenton has used a combination of tags with the @ and # prefixes.
@ - The Ampersat
If you add the ampersat (better known as the @ symbol) to a tweet, it will be sent to the Twitter page you add after. For example, if you tweet @PAFC, we'll be able to see your tweet and can then tweet back to you (if we choose). In Brenton's case, his tweet cropped up on our wide list of fan interactions and was one of our favourites for the day!
Follow and tweet to the Port Adelaide Football Club at @PAFC.
# - The Hashtag
Adding the hash symbol prior to a word or phrase will add your tweet to a list of others from around the world sharing that hashtag. You can look up hashtags under 'Discover' on Twitter.
The hashtag we use on Twitter is #weareportadelaide - and we encourage all of our fans to use this hashtag when tweeting about the Club.
Twitter is a fantastic way for you to get all the news you want on the club at home or on your mobile. We tweet our latest news, pictures and PTV videos throughout the day and across the week, including match days. Get on board and join our conversation today!
Follow the squad!
Below is a list of all of our club players with active Twitter accounts.
Mitchell Banner - @mbanner11
Travis Boak - @travisboak10
Matthew Broadbent - @mbroadbent5
Danny Butcher - @DannyButcher45
John Butcher - @JohnButcher32
Dominic Cassisi - @DomCassisi
Alipate Carlile - @AlipateCarlile
Troy Chaplin - @troychaplin30
Kane Cornes - @cornes18
Mitch Curnow - @MCurnow48
Robbie Gray - @robbiegray17
Hamish Hartlett - @hartsyyy8
Cameron Hitchcock - @CHitchcock2
Jarrad Irons - @Ironsy47
Matthew Lobbe - @Lobbe23
Tom Logan - @Tomlogan44
John McCarthy - @jmac_3
Andrew Moore - @MOORE_26
Cameron O'Shea - @camoshea13
Simon Phillips - @SimonPhillips22
Jasper Pittard - @jpittard29
Jarrad Redden - @jarrad34
Steven Salopek - @ssalopek3
Nick Salter - @nicksalter19
Daniel Stewart - @dstewy43
Paul Stewart - @PaulStewart14
Jacob Surjan - @Surj9
Matt Thomas - @groundwork21
Jackson Trengove - @JacksonTrengove
Don't forget you can engage with the club online at, on Facebook at and on Twitter at