THE POWER’S Toby Thurstans is preparing forthe biggest challenge of his short defensive career when Port Adelaide takes onRichmond at theMCG on Sunday.

The forward-turned-defender is the likelymatch-up for enigmatic Tigers' forward Matthew Richardson, who will celebrate amilestone 250th game.

"Standing Richo would be a big task,"Thurstans told

"He obviously does a fair bit ofrunning and with his record over the past 16 years or so, there's probably nobetter forward on his day. For me to have a crack at him would be a greatopportunity and a great development."

With resident full-back Darryl Wakelin atleast another week away with a hamstring injury, the returning Troy Chaplin andinexperienced Alipate Carlile are the Power's other options for Richardson.

But with a little help from his friends,Thurstans believes he's got what it takes to stop the Tigers' match-winner.

"I've got the height and hopefully thespeed to go with Richo. He might have a few kilos on me but hopefully ourmidfield can put pressure on the ball coming inside 50m and it'll make my job alot easier."

"Their forwards are pretty talentedand if Richo is up and firing and they're delivering to him, he'll be hard tostop."

Thurstans was one player taking advantageof the Power's eight-day break at the club's main training session onWednesday.

The premiership player joined forwardDaniel Motlop indoors, but both are considered certain starters for Sunday'sgame.

Michael Pettigrew, Nathan Lonie and up andcoming midfielder Travis Boak, all had light runs while Robbie Gray trainedimpressively and could be recalled to the Power line-up.

After a couple of self-confessed “disappointing”seasons, Thurstans has re-established himself as an integral part of the PortAdelaide line-up.

The former pinch-hitting ruckman andforward is confident he's found his niche in the backline.

"The last couple of years I'd sort ofbeen in the wilderness so this year I had to really step up," Thurstanssaid.

"I came back after last season withdifferent goals in mind and it's just like the carrot was dangling out in frontof me.

"It was a bit up in the air as towhether I was in the starting 18 and I just wanted to make one of those spotsmine by the start of pre-season." 

Another spot Thurstans is keen toconsolidate is Port Adelaide's position in the eight.

The emphatic win over West Coastleapfrogged the Power into fifth spot, but Thurstans said the Power would notunderestimate the lowly Tigers.

"It's pretty tight between second andninth and this week's a great opportunity to stay that one step ahead of thepack."

"Richmondwill come out firing, especially with Matthew's 250th game. I know what it'slike at our club when we have milestone games so we'll have to be on our guardto back it up this week."