Connor Rozee spoke to media today. Image: AFL Photos.

Port Adelaide captain Connor Rozee feels like his side is well-placed heading into the AFL finals. 

Preparing to take on Geelong this Thursday night at Adelaide Oval, Rozee highlighted the important of the team staying in the moment, and not looking too far ahead. 

Speaking with the Adelaide media on Monday, the skipper spoke on finals preparation, the squad’s versatility, and the belief they have from winning close games this year.  

Rozee on being prepared for finals 
“I feel like we're in a great spot as a team at the moment. We've put together a few good months now of consistent football, and have had to adapt our game style a little bit each week, depending on who we've been playing. And I certainly think our finals experience of last year and even the few years before that, will certainly hold us in good stead for the younger guys, especially who I guess, know what it feels like to play in finals. I know they're all really excited to get there this Thursday night.  

“No, I don't think it was our preparation that was our was our letdown (last year). I don't think we probably handled the pressure as well as we probably could have. We had a few guys that, like I said just before, hadn't played finals before and a few guys that were missing as well with injury. So yeah, again, we're purely focused on this week, and I feel like we're in a great position with our squad. We've got a lot of people that are healthy and mentally fresh after a few days off and ready to go.” 

Rozee feels like the squad is in a great position heading into finals. Image: AFL Photos.

Rozee on being ready for finals as a midfield 
“Yeah, definitely. And that that comes with experience, I guess, and continually putting yourself in those situations, you sort of don't know how you’re going to handle the pressure and the bright lights, I guess, until you continually put yourself in those situations. And I feel like even this year, in big moments in games, we've had more people step up. We're probably relying less on just a few to carry the load. Our whole squad has been great. If it's their moment to go, then they've been able to impact. So yeah, hopefully we can keep that rolling, and it can be a whole squad mentality, because we're going to need everyone for the next month.” 

Rozee on captaining his first finals series 
“I think I'll probably just be preaching that this is another game, and we know what's gotten us to this point. We've beaten a lot of good sides this year. We've stood up in some big moments. And it certainly goes to another level in finals, definitely. But I feel like my personal approach to the situation will be to try and calm everyone down a bit and it is another game of football at the end of the day. And to achieve our ultimate goal, we're going to have to beat some really good sides. So yeah, we are really excited, and there'll be some pump up from everyone externally and internally, but at the end of the day, it is another game of football, and we've got a job to do.” 

Rozee on being equipped for the pressure of finals 
“Yeah, there's certainly little moments throughout seasons, that you probably take more from certain games, whether that's coming from behind, winning games when people have been injured or a game that's been built up to be an important game, you can certainly take little things from different parts of the season. And I do feel like we're better equipped to probably handle the heat a little bit more and I've said before, we've had some people that have played finals now and they know what to expect. So yeah, can't wait to get there on Thursday night.” 

Rozee believes the team is better equipped to handle finals due to more players having finals experience. Image: AFL Photos.

Rozee on planning for Geelong 
“Yeah, I think most games, the midfield battle is extremely important, and that'll be no different this week. We haven't gone through our full opposition report yet, but I'm sure there'll be some plans in place to combat whatever they throw against us. They usually try and challenge us a little bit inside. And we know they've got some weapons at either end as well. So, yeah, again, there's some plans in place. I'll leave that to the coaching group.” 

Rozee on filling the gaps of Dan Houston and Kane Farrell 
“Yeah, they're definitely important parts of our team, and have been throughout the whole part of this season. So it's disappointing, especially for them personally, and as a group, I really feel for them that they're going to be missing this finals campaign. But I definitely feel like the strength of our group this year has been our depth, and the next person in mentality has been amazing. So I'm not sure exactly how we line up this week, but I've got no doubt that whoever fills those roles and people might have to get chucked around a little bit, their attitude this year has been, no doubt unreal. So yeah, I'm sure they'll be fine.” 

Rozee on the public commentary about him playing in the backline 
“Yeah, I was a sneaky chance last week, I think. But I think now that we've got a bit of time to prepare, there's probably some better options. And Darcy went back there last week, I mean, he's an all Australian half back, so it's not a bad option to have to chuck back there. But, yeah, maybe if things get desperate I might have to swing back there. (It hasn’t really been discussed) but there are moments in games where I'll float back and try and help out, but I don't think I'll be lining up at half back this week.” 

Port Adelaide will be challenged by Geelong, which has been one of the most successful teams this century. Image: AFL Photos.

Rozee on staying in the moment 
“Our focus is purely on Thursday. I think as soon as you start thinking about what could be, who we're playing next week, then issues can arise and you lose your focus a little bit on the task at hand. Finals are extremely difficult, and Geelong have been a great side for the best part of this year, and not only this year, but for the last sort of 10 years. So I’ll certainly be trying to make sure everyone's focus is just on this week.” 

Rozee on playing in front of a home crowd this week 
“Definitely we feel our home supporters are a massive advantage and playing at home, no matter when it is, whether it's round one or deep into finals, we feel like we've definitely got an advantage with our home crowd, and hopefully we can see 50,000 people there this week to cheer us on.” 

Rozee on matching up with Geelong 
“As I said before, we haven't gone through specifics about how we'll be tackling certain players, but yeah, there'll be some thought into a few different people. They've got some strengths down forward, Jeremy Cameron and Tom (Stewart) has been in great form as well. So yeah, we'll have to think of something.” 

Rozee on the possibility of Todd Marshall returning to the lineup 
“Yeah, I'm not sure exactly how the coaches are feeling. I think Todd is pretty keen to have a crack this week at training and to see how it feels. And I'm sure if he's fresh and feeling good to go, then he'll put his name in the mix. But I haven't heard selection, so yeah, as I said before, whoever's in that role will be great I’m sure.” 

Rozee said the team changed things slightly against Fremantle in order to play a more finals brand of football. Image: AFL Photos.

Rozee on training at night 
“I think more so just mixing up the schedule a little bit. I think during the middle of the year, you can sort of stagnate a little bit and roll through weeks. And we decided as a club to sort of try and freshen things up with team activities and change the schedule around. It definitely makes it more fun coming in not knowing sort of what's happening week to week, and so things aren't at the exact same time every single week.” 

Rozee on the belief gained from winning the close games 
“Finals are exactly that, it's not about how you win sometimes it's just getting over the line. And even the game on the weekend, we felt like Fremantle are an outstanding defensive team, so we had to change things slightly and play more of a finals brand of footy. So yeah, we take confidence out of all those wins. I wasn't there in Geelong but I remember watching at home, and when we play with belief and energy and take the game on, we can beat any side in the competition.” 

Rozee on celebrating his first Father’s Day 
“Yeah, it was great. Went out and saw my dad in the morning, and then was home with the little one for the rest of the day. And yeah, she's pretty organised for 13 week old with her presents, so I was pretty lucky.” 

Rozee said working with two former club captains has been a "massive benefit" to him. Image: AFL Photos.

Rozee on gaining perspective from becoming a dad 
“Yeah, I think exactly that. It sort of just gives you that that balance. I've said it a few times throughout the year, but it does feel like the pressure, and even though it's inside our heads, pressure is something we make up a little bit, but it does feel like life and death sometimes with comments from external people. I guess the end of the year especially when things can go either way. And you know, your season could be over week to week, being able to go home and completely switch off and not think about football for a while has been amazing. And, yeah (fatherhood) just makes you grateful for everything, really, and it's made coming in here even more enjoyable, and being able to bond a little bit closer with the guys that have kids as well, it's great.” 

Rozee on the learning about captaincy from Ollie Wines and Travis Boak 
“They've been amazing. It's great to have two previous captains still here. I think it's a massive benefit for myself, personally, but our leadership group as a whole, because it is our first time for all of us being in a leadership position. It's the small things really, you know, certain conversations, how you're not sure to approach a certain person or how the group in general is feeling. I feel really comfortable to be able to go to either of them and ask them pretty much anything about leadership or away from football. I've got a great relationship with both of those guys. And, yeah, hopefully we can bring some success to those guys, because they definitely deserve it.”