MORE Power supporters want to keep a 22-game season, instead of alternatives that would make clubs play each other once only, or twice.

The BIG PORT SURVEY conducted midway through the 2015 season found the current model of 22 games is the preference of Port Adelaide supporters, with 40.37% of respondents wanting that over other options.

In its current form, the fixture allows each club to play all others at least once, and five clubs twice.

This format has been the same in the VFL/AFL since it was increased from 20 rounds per season in 1970.

While 22 rounds was the most popular choice, many fans could be found on either side of the debate.

31.68% of fans would like to increase the fixture to 34 games, which would see each club meet twice across the season.

Of course, that would mean the AFL season spanned across eight months, instead of the current six.

In contrast, 21.56% - or one in five fans - prefer a 17-week minor round.

That would see each club play all others once only.