We take a look at four big factors going into Saturday night's game against the Blues...


Two injury replacements and three omissions have shaken this team up. The inclusion of Jackson Trengove's experience is a big plus for the Power, as is the benefit of Nathan Krakouer's class down back. Good SANFL form from Mitchell, Moore and Ah Chee has also been rewarded. Trust that these blokes won't pass up the opportunity to secure a place in the team before the mid-year bye.

And them…

Carlton has welcomed back Chris Yarran and Bryce Gibbs - both handy inclusions for the Blues, out goes the retired Chris Judd and Tutt. They're hunting a win and they nearly got one against the Crows before their bye last week, so expect them to be fired-up after a one-week sabbatical.

What we loved last week

The free-flowing first quarter left you feeling like Port had got its mojo back. Granted, it was just one quarter, but it had the spread and attack we've come to expect from the Power. 

What we didn’t…

Losing. Particularly because of the way it happened. Geelong got on top after quarter time, took chances as they unfolded and broke the back of the Power at the end of the third. 

What we want

A really consistent performance. Ken Hinkley has noted the up-and-down nature of this first half of the season and the way inconsistency has manifested itself in game-to-game and quarter-to-quarter. It's a cliché, but a four-quarter effort will be warmly welcomed on Saturday.