WE caught up with Sam Gray to find out a little bit more about the mercurial small midfielder. Here are 10 things we learned (we don't reckon he'll be getting No. 6 too often, after the month he's had) ...
1. Who's your toughest individual opponent?

Corey Enright
2. Who's the thriftiest player at the club?

3. What was your favourite cartoon as a kid?

The Simpsons
4. If you had to choose another career, what would it be?

Pro golfer
5. What’s your ‘can’t miss’ TV show?

Game of Thrones
6. What's the worst sledge copped from the outer?
“Who are you?”
7. If you were an animal, what would you be?”

8. Chocolate milk or iced coffee?

Iced coffee
9. Who's your favourite superhero?
