Port Adelaide legend Gavin Wanganeen has been appointed as the Ambassador for Youth Opportunity, a newly created role with the state government.

Wanganeen was heavily involved with the Aboriginal Power Cup earlier this year, an initiative between the Port Adelaide Football Club and the Attorney General’s department, and will continue his involvement in this area in his new role.

The Aboriginal Power Cup combined sport and education with the aim of connecting young people to the community and keeping them on track.

Premier Mike Rann and Attorney-General Michael Atkinson announced the appointment at Para West Campus on Tuesday where Wanganeen said all young people need positive influences in their lives, not just from within their family but also from the community.

“Not every young person has strong role models in their lives,” Wanganeen said.

“I hope I can pass on some of my experience and help inspire South Australian kids to be the best they can be. There are so many opportunities for young South Australians and it’s a great shame that sometimes these chances for a healthy life aren’t taken up for a variety of reasons.”

“I want to show kids that they can live healthily and happily, without getting involved in mischief. Whether they want to be a firefighter, a father or a footy star – with hard work it can be done.”

Wanganeen will work with six different government agencies including Justice, Police, Education, Training and Health. He will work closely with the Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement Klynton Wanganeen and Commissioner for Social Inclusion Monsignor David Cappo, whose To Break the Cycle report provided key recommendations to the Aboriginal Power Cup earlier this year.

“Mr Wanganeen is an excellent role model for all South Australians and young people in particular,” Mr Rann said.

“He set his heart on a goal at an early age and overcame barriers to achieve it.”

“Aside from his courage and skill on the field, Mr Wanganeen is a hard working and highly-respected leader. He lives a healthy lifestyle and is a team player. These are all qualities that are important to encourage and foster in our young people.”

Wanganeen, who remains a regular visitor to the Port Adelaide Football Club, will take up his two-year term from October 13.