Daniel Bryant


Internet and Publications Manager


What was your working background before you started at the club?
This is my first proper job. I only had casual jobs before starting as the Power’s Media and PR Assistant in 1999 while I was also studying journalism at uni and sitting in Section O, Row J as a Power season ticket holder.

What does your job involve?
Primarily it involves the editorial, commercial, and technical aspects of the club’s websites. I am also responsible for the club’s magazines and photography, and I work on the club’s communications, IT, retail and media strategies.

What do you enjoy most about your job?
Aside from feeling part of a team that has maintained an incredible level of success on the field, I enjoy trying to deliver quality articles for Power fans, and branching into new areas in my role like video, e-commerce and marketing.

What parts of your job are the hardest?
For a variety of reasons, it has been difficult to deliver everything we’d like to deliver to Power fans online. So trying to progress our websites I guess would be the hardest.

What makes the Port Adelaide Football Club different?
There is no-one quite like Mark Williams so that would be a major difference. To be able to hear stories from volunteers who were here when Fos was coach in the 50s is quite special. I haven’t been at another club but I hear from those who have that there is an even greater drive and demand for on-field success here than elsewhere.

If you’re not at work, what might you be doing?
Recently I might be getting frustrated at another open inspection, and at the same time wishing I was playing golf or seeing Pearl Jam.