In the first installment of our three-week squad profile, backline coach Brad Gotch looks at the defenders. Next week Shaun Rehn and Josh Carr will take you through the mids.

I’ve been really impressed with application and determination of all the backline guys, from the most experienced to the least experienced. They’ve been enthusiastic and they’ve worked as a united group.

We sat down together as a group early in the pre-season and decided on a theme that we wanted to live by. This was based on the way we were seen and perceived as a group and the way we wanted to be seen and perceived as a group. Out of that came a set of values that we judge ourselves on.

This is something they’ve come up with themselves, so they’ve created it, they believe it and they live by it. It’s a benchmark for them. It was also borne out of the way the forwards were performing early in the pre-season. Buddha had them operating really well, running some clever plays and we weren’t dealing with it well enough. With this set of values and structure in place, we’ve been able to compete much better against the forwards in recent times.

We’ve also implemented a structure the players understand, working on the defensive part of their game primarily, but also how we can turn defence into attack and how we rebound from the backline. Then it’s up to the players to be self-motivated to come and talk to Matty Nicks (backline development coach) or me about what they can do to improve. We sit down and watch a lot of vision of training with them, vision of themselves last year, vision of opposition and we talk about specific techniques and tactics that are going to benefit them going forward.

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Nathan Blee
Unfortunately he’s had an interrupted pre-season because of glandular fever. They’ve had to pull back his workload and gradually build his work load up. He’s close to returning to full training so I’m looking forward to seeing how he performs out on the track.

He’ll be pushing for that third tall defender spot later in the year. He’s slowly learning the way we play through all our meetings but not being out on the track makes it difficult for him to implement what he’s learned.

Alipate Carlile
Bobby was having a great pre-season up until a month ago until he got injured, which kept him out for a week or so. In the past, that might have set him back mentally as well, but he’s matured over this pre-season and he’s come back in a really positive frame of mind.

He’s enjoying his weights and keeping fit and he feels like he hasn’t had this much consistency in his pre-season with his running. He’ll again play an important role as a tall defender, height being something we don’t have a great deal of down back.

Troy Chaplin
He’s been a standout from my point of view. Chappy has hardly missed a beat and I can’t remember him missing a session over the pre-season. He’s a leader of the backline and spends a lot of time with me analysing the structures and techniques.

He’s determined and is keen to work on and improve some of the things that let him down last year, which he’s been really honest and open about. You can only admire his drive.

Ben Jacobs
An ankle injury restricted him a little bit in the lead-up to Christmas, but after the break he’s been terrific. It’s just his second year, but he’s matured and he’s taking a lot of time to improve his game, seeking out the advice and help of those around him.

He’s a smart player and he’s a good listener, so when you combine those two things you get good outcomes. He’ll be aiming to play some consistent football at senior level this year.

Tom Jonas
Tommy is just so determined. He’s put on some good size over the break coming off playing the final four games for last year. He’s hungry to take that next step and be elevated onto the senior list. He hates getting beaten, which is a great attribute, but he’s also a smart player and he’s not afraid to speak up and voice his opinion, so we need to encourage him to continue to do that.

Tom Logan
I couldn’t ask any more of Tommy. He does everything he can to be the best he can be and he’d bleed for this club, which he has done on plenty of occasions in the past. He’s great to work with and he’s so focussed on how he can help the team, at the expense of individual glory.

He’ll have a role on a small forward again in 2012 and his grit, determination and leadership will be valuable down back.

Danyle Pearce
Pearcey has been perceived as a bit inconsistent in the past, but I can’t fault his pre-season at all. We’ve had plenty of discussion about how he can improve his game down back and he’s really starting to enjoy playing in the defensive unit.

I think he’s started to see some of the smaller players who have moved to the backline in recent times like Leon Davis, who made All-Australian, and has realised how he can play an important role for the team from down back with his run, carry and raking kick. He’ll still spend some time in the midfield, but he’s worked hard on the defensive side of the game - shutting down his man is his number one focus now.

He’s had a great attitude and has worked very hard over the pre-season, so I really hope we see some positive results during the season from that hard work.

Darren Pfeiffer
He’s played a bit with the midfield as well but he’s predominantly worked off a half back flank. He’s 24 with a strong body and mature outlook, and he knows where he wants to take his game.

He’s got sound skills, he can run well and he’ll be pushing hard to be upgraded onto the senior list, having had experience on two other AFL lists (Adelaide and Carlton). He’s settling in well at the club and is putting in the work to improve his game.

Jasper Pittard
Jasper played quite a few games down back last year and he’ll spend time rotating between defence and the midfield this year. He’s worked a lot on his defensive skills. He’s got great leg speed and a thumping kick and we need to make sure we use that to benefit the team. He’s had a consistent pre-season completing most sessions.

I think he’ll reap the benefits of his hard running over this pre-season, being his third, as the season progresses. He’s taken some big steps in terms of his development. He’s still got a little bit of youthful inconsistency in his game, but he’s spending a lot of time with all the coaches and the fitness staff to help improve his game.

Nick Salter
Salts has been a bit of a surprise packet and he’s going to be putting a lot of pressure on the other talls down back. He’s had a few issues with his body in the past, but he’s hardly missed a beat this year and his body is in great shape. He’s a beautiful kick and if we can get the ball into his hands so we’ve got to focus on getting him more of the ball.

He’s also working hard on his versatility so he’s able to play on a number of different types of players, from the big guys to the little guys.

Jacob Surjan
He didn’t have a great year last year and he’s open and transparent about that. He’s been a vice-captain of this footy club, he loves the club and he wants to get back to playing good footy to help this club.

Surj is ticking all the right boxes in terms of his approach and application at training; he’s using his leg speed, he’s kicking the ball well and he’s defending well, so I’m happy with that.

His leadership, voice and enthusiasm are so important to the backline. Even when the chips are down, Surj is still out there yapping and encouraging everyone.

Jackson Trengove
Coming off a B&F year, he’s been incredibly professional in his approach this pre-season. He’s always knocking my door down wanting to talk about positioning or structure or watch vision - it’s a great credit to him.

He’ll be a key component of the backline in 2012, matching up on one of the opposition’s key talls each week and it’s fantastic to see he’s not resting on his laurels and is constantly trying to improve his game.