THE Port Adelaide Football Club has issued the following information to members.

1. Western Stand Reserved Seating
There has been a change relating to the management and also allocation of reserved seats in the Western Stand which will see the Club managing reserved seats for PAFC members and also a small increase in the number of reserved seats that will be available.

Western Stand Reserved Seats will be offered on the following basis and will commence the week starting 26th January.
i. Existing (2014) reserved seat holders
ii. Essential Platinum and then Essential Gold members registered on the Reserved Seat Wait List

The Club will communicate directly with each group.

Pricing for Western Stand Reserved seats in 2015 is $220 for a Level 2 (11 games) and $140 for Level 3. This is in addition to the Essential Platinum or Essential Gold membership fee. No concession or junior prices are available.

If unsuccessful in securing a season reserved seat, there will be approximately 500 reserved seats available on a game by game basis that Essential members will be able to book through Ticketek prior to each game, similar to the process to buy guest passes

2. Seat Change Requests
Reserved seat holders who have registered for a seat change will have the opportunity to select from the seats which have been released will become available, commencing from 27th January. This will be strictly on a one for one basis, so in order to select a new seat the member will need to release their old seat. Members won’t be eligible to purchase any additional reserved seats at this point.

Seat changes will be staggered depending on the member category. Club1870 & Black Diamond members will commence first, followed by Platinum, Gold and then Silver. This process will run for 4 weeks and be complete by 28th February.

Everyone registered for a seat change will receive direct communication and instructions on how to select new seats. The seat selection and transfer will be done using the Virtual Venue technology which was originally used for members to select their seats at Adelaide Oval.

3. Reserved Seat Wait List
Members registered on the Reserved Seat Wait List will be able to select from the available reserved seats commencing on 2nd March. This will occur in the order of registration with first group being 2014 members followed by new 2015 members.

It will be set up in ‘windows’ from when set groups can select their seating, for example on Day1, members 1-500 will have access to select a seat followed by members 501-1000 in Day 2 and so on and so forth until all available reserved seats are sold.

Members registered on the Reserved Seat Wait List in 2015 who are unsuccessful in securing a reserved seat will retain their position in the cue for 2016 plus as a General Admission (11 game) member they will have access to all Port Adelaide home games in 2015. They will also have priority access to upgrade to the reserved seats available for daily sale through Ticketek each game.

GM Marketing and Membership Matthew Richardson thanked members for their patience throughout the membership renewal period.

“The normal pre-Christmas renewal period was considerably shortly than we’d have liked (due to the Adelaide Oval discussions) and this led to some frustrations for our members and an intense period for our staff who did an incredible job,” Mr Richardson said.

“In just six weeks, we’d effectively signed up our total 2014 membership, so it’s easy to see why things were so busy.

“That said, we were disappointed with the difficultly some of our members have had in trying to contact us and we will be reviewing our processes and systems to ensure we improve this.”

Mr Richardson also urged any supporters who were not yet on board to sign up as an 11-game GA + Wait List member.

“We expect most available reserved seats to be taken up in 2015 by those members who have already signed up for the Wait List. But we’d still strongly encourage anyone still thinking about joining up to do so now because the sooner you register, the higher up the Wait List order you’ll be for now or 2016.

“With so many blockbuster games in 2015, kicking off with Saturday night games against Sydney in Round 2 and Hawthorn in Round 4, we’re expecting a number of sell out games. Our game day team can hardly control their excitement with the plans they have in store and we are still 10 weeks out so I’d recommend you don’t miss out and buy your memberships now.

"With this being the case, the only way to ensure entry will be by purchasing a GA membership – with both 3-game and 11-game options available.”

General Admission membership provides entry to all home games (subject to capacity - get there early and you’ll be fine) and it also provides priority access before the general public to upgrade into the daily reserved seats the club makes available to the public.

11-game GA membership is just $175 and the popular 3-game membership is just $100.

Join online at or by calling 1300 467 232.