The Port Adelaide Football Club recently hosted some of the next generation of leaders from a range of diverse cultural backgrounds at its inaugural Power Intercultural Leadership Program.
The leadership program was offered to 30 students who have been involved in the Power Intercultural Program as an extension that continues to explore diversity and inclusion over a 10-week period.
The program covered topics such as respect, gratitude, goal setting, mental and physical health, confidence and practicing good communication skills whilst continuing to learn about their individual identity in a fun, inclusive environment.
Hosted at the Lights Community and Sports Centre at Lightsview earlier this month, the leadership program offered students the opportunity to network with each other while sharing their thoughts on issues significant to them.
“The program allows another opportunity for the students who show leadership qualities within the Power Intercultural Program to continue to explore their identity within a different setting,” program manager Alipate Carlile said.
“We are lucky to have Tabby Saville, who is also an elite athlete, who designed and facilitates a lot of the program and uses her knowledge of elite sport and psychology to give the students another perspective which they all connect with
“Tabby’s knowledge, experience and cultural background are all points of connection for these students which is amazing to see.
“We look forward to seeing the students who attended develop into leaders within their communities and hope they are inspired to continue to learn about Australia, football and their own identity.”
The Power Intercultural Leadership Program is proudly supported by the Wyatt Trust which has been supporting South Australian communities since 1995, distributing over $50 million in grants which have helped more than 73,000 South Australians.