Ken Hinkley and his side are looking to bounce back from a disappointing Round 2, eyeing off Showdown victory on Saturday evening. Image: AFL Photos.

PORT ADELAIDE's players will be handed the club's traditional black-and-white jumper for just the second time in AFL company at a Showdown on Saturday night - and the need to live up to its standing with the fans and the game's history.

"No way (is that a burden); it is an honour," Port Adelaide senior coach Ken Hinkley said on the eve of Showdown LIII that begins at Adelaide Oval at 7pm on Saturday.

"It is an absolute honour to wear this jumper.

"It is a great moment for us. Our heritage is being acknowledged. This is what we are proud of - and a lot of people have worked really hard for us to have this opportunity to play in our State, against our rival, wearing the jumper we as a football club connect to so greatly as a family."

Port Adelaide will host the 53rd derby since 1997 with Hinkley wanting the club's fans to become a significant part of the match.

"Your home Showdown is really important and we want to pack this stadium with Port Adelaide people," Hinkley said. "Those who can't get here, we would love you to hand your tickets to another Port Adelaide person so we can fill the place up. 


"This is an intimidating environment. When it is your turn to own the stadium, you need to bloody own it. We want to own it with Port Adelaide people so that it is a hostile environment (for the opposition).

"We're here to win," Hinkley said after closing Port Adelaide's training program at Adelaide Oval on Friday morning. Victory would keep the Variety Showdown Shield at Alberton and increase the lead on the derby ledger to 28-25.

Port Adelaide will look to keep the Variety Showdown shield at Alberton with a win on Saturday evening. Image: AFL Photos,

At the selection table, Port Adelaide's match committee has made significant changes to advance to a 2-1 win-loss count this weekend - notably recalling the versatile Jeremy Finlayson for his first AFL match of the season after having his pre-season interrupted by an ankle injury. 

The Port Adelaide attack loses the opportunist Orazio Fantasia and athletic Mitch Georgiades, who need to build match fitness or form in the SANFL that opens this weekend with a Showdown.


Hinkley's summary of selection and the build-up to Showdown LIII includes notes on:

FINLAYSON: "I wouldn't use the word 'convincing' (to describe his preparation). But we know how good he is - and what he provides us. He had an unfortunate injury in the pre-season. We know he is back to moving well; moving really well. He provides that other option in ruck for us."

Jeremy Finlayson returns to AFL action after missing the first two rounds with injury. Image: AFL Photos.

FANTASIA: "He has not been able to hit the scoreboard like we know he can - and will. He is coming back from a long time out. We would have liked to have been surprised, but we aren't (surprised) that it has taken a bit of time for (Orazio) to get going."

GEORGIADES: "Clearly he is down on his confidence. His form says he is lacking belief. The greatest thing for Mitch to do is play with some freedom - and enjoy playing football. We're taking off some of the pressure that has been applied by himself as much as anyone."

BALANCE OF THE LINE-UP: "If it is better (than the 23 who failed against Collingwood at the MCG on Saturday) will be in the proof. We had a performance last week that was below the level we expected of ourselves. That is taking nothing away from the very good side we played against ... but we did not deliver at the level we expected."

REBOUNDING FROM DEFEAT: "We played a red-hot team last week. We would expect to be better. And we do look forward to the Showdown - if you can't get up and can't get ready to play in a Showdown, you are playing the wrong sport. And the rivalry between the two clubs is real."

THE RIVALRY: "It is a genuine rivalry ... it is a genuine sporting rivalry. There is genuine hatred - and I am not frightened to use the word hatred - because it is a sporting rivalry. It is not a personal thing. Everyone in this State loves the fact both teams want to get each other - and get them good."

THE BUILD-UP: "There is tension that goes into a Showdown. It is a Showdown - there is a lot riding on it."

THE DERBY'S RELEVANCE: "This is a dream for any footballer. This is as big a game as you get in the AFL. Home-and-away season, this is as big a game as you get to play in. This is as big a build-up as any home-and-away game in the competition. Bar none. The Showdowns are the highlight of a lot of AFL seasons. We play these ridiculous games (as derby classics) ... I have seen a bounce (with Angus Monfries at Football Park in 2013) go our way. It is just a game you have to be involved in - and if I was a player, I'd love nothing more than to play in a Showdown."

LOPSIDED FREE-KICK COUNT: "Our free-kick count in both games (against Brisbane and Collingwood) had been really poor ... we have worked hard on that. Some of that is understanding (the rules), some is interpretation and some of that is execution. It is not as simple as one thing. We certainly have put our eye on it this week."