Foodbank will have staff roaming Adelaide Oval throughout Saturday's game accepting any monetary donations fans may be able to give.

WITH the current spike in cost of living, more South Australians are reportedly struggling to put food on the table with more than two-million Australian’s running out of food in the last year.

This weekend during Port Adelaide’s clash with the Suns at Adelaide Oval, members and fans will have the opportunity to lend a helping hand to those who need it most when the club partners with Foodbank SA, the largest hunger relief charity in South Australia.

Foodbank’s work is crucial to the work of the front-line charities who are feeding vulnerable Australians, providing more than 70% of the food rescued for food relief organisations nation-wide. But they can’t continue to do this important work without the help from those who are able.

This weekend, supporters are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to the game, where purple Foodbank vans will be located outside of all entrances at Adelaide Oval to collect the goods. Foodbank volunteers will also be roaming the Plazas outside the Adelaide Oval before the game accepting any monetary donations fans may be able to give.

A donation as small as $2 helps feed four people who desperately need it, so no donation is too small with every cent, or can of food, helping Foodbank to continue to fight the hunger crisis in Australia.

For those who are unable to attend the game on the weekend, there are food donation bins and money donation tins located at The Precinct at Alberton until Friday 21st July 2023.

Port Adelaide’s General Manager of Commercial and Partnerships, Brett Mathers said he was proud to continue the club’s partnership with Foodbank, especially at what is a critical time for Australians.

“Port Adelaide has had a long-standing partnership with Foodbank, and we’re proud to partner with an organisation that does such incredibly important and life-changing work in our community,” Mr. Mathers said.

“Foodbank’s work is especially crucial at a time where so many Australians are struggling, and I’m pleased that we’re able to provide a platform where we can encourage as many people as possible to help if they’re able to”.

Foodbank CEO Greg Pattinson said that donations are particularly critical now, as South Australians battle with the increase cost of living.

“Today, a staggering 21% of South Australians are experiencing severe food insecurity, that means skipping meals and missing whole days without food.  We know the rising cost of living is putting significant additional pressure on already struggling families. In fact, more than 135,000 South Australians are turning to Foodbank each month for food relief,” Mr. Pattinson said.

“Winter is particularly hard for families, so the support from the Port Adelaide and the community has never been more important for those in need.

“We thank Port Adelaide for their support and encourage the community to get behind Foodbank in round 17, for every $2 donated to Foodbank, it will help to put 4 meals on the table of those need in our community.”

Click here to find out how more ways to help.