Willem Drew in action against St Kilda in Round 7. Image: AFL Photos.

PORT ADELAIDE leadership group member Willem Drew is looking ahead to this Sunday’s clash against St Kilda, but says the playing group isn’t shying away from its need to improve.  

Currently sitting inside the eight, with nine games remaining of the home-and-away season, Port Adelaide is looking to turn its fortunes around following three consecutive losses. 

Drew spoke to the Adelaide media on Thursday about the belief of the team, the current state of the playing group, and taking on the Saints this weekend. 

Drew on St Kilda this week 
“Another opportunity for us go to Melbourne and really get our season back on track. Obviously, the last few weeks have been disappointing. We won't shy away from that. Our performances haven't been up to our standard. And yeah, we're doing everything as a club to get back to where we want to be.” 

Drew on the current state of the playing group 
“Yeah, look, we've been really honest (as a playing group), probably no different to any other week. But we accept that our own performances probably haven't been up to standard. And I suppose that's led on to the team performance as well. So really trying to get that confidence back. And yeah, everyone is really excited for this week, going up against St. Kilda. And really looking forward to it.  

“We had a player's meeting (this week), but we've had that throughout the year, numerous times, so nothing too different. Just really trying to get around everyone and get going for this week. Like I said, we've done multiple of them throughout the year and in previous years as well. So it wasn't anything out of the blue. But yeah, it's just about having some conversations and realising sort of where we're at and what we need to do to get better.”  

Drew on Ken Hinkley 
“Obviously, a fair bit of outside noise with Ken. But ever since I've been here and this year, Ken has been absolutely super to me and this whole playing group. And we've got full support of Ken. Obviously, I know that our supporters are so passionate and really want the best for this club but yeah, Kenny has been great for us. I don't think he's lost the playing group at all. And, obviously, a fair bit of stuff in the media that is said, but internally, we're all on the same team. And we all want to win, Kenny wants to win, the coaches want to win, us players want to win. And now it's about getting back to what we do best and trying to get back into that form. Obviously, Kenny's been around for a long time and he's been around this playing group for a fair while now and he knows that we all support him and we’ve got his back.” 

Drew on the midfield 
“I think, probably, from a midfield point of view, our last few weeks have definitely been down. And that's something that we've touched on in our reviews and that’s something that we'll look to improve on this week. And yeah, that’s a great challenge, we've got some exciting players in there. I know that we're all really keen to get out there and show what we’ve got.” 

Willem Drew says the midfield group is eager to improve on its performance over the past three games. Image: AFL Photos.

Drew on the belief of the playing group to improve 
“From my personal point of view, and just sort of looking back like, a month ago, we were top two and then obviously, we've probably had three bad games in a row. So we're still in the top eight, we've got nine games left to really get our season back on track. So for us as a playing group and a coaching group, we want nothing more than to be winning and to be pushing into finals.” 

Drew on the outside criticism 
“We don't touch on the outside noise too much. But yeah, look, there's definitely little bits of that that we can use for (motivation) if people are writing us off and whatnot, but for us, it's about controlling what we can control and being the best teammates to each other and getting our confidence back.” 

Drew on young talent pushing their case for selection 
“Ever since Tommy (Anastasopoulos) got to the club he's really brought energy and I suppose his role is that small forward. We've seen through the SANFL he's able to kick goals but his pressure has been really good as well. So yeah, he's got a bright future and he's a great person to have around the club. 

“Will’s (Lorenz) been super as well. Obviously, a classy left footer and can play inside and outside and yeah, he's been playing well in the SANFL as well. I don't think we need to go changing absolutely everything (about the make-up of the team). But we've got focus areas that we want to improve on, and we know that we need to, and that's what we're going to go out and do.” 

Drew on Zak Butters dealing with being tagged 
“Yeah, obviously he’s been getting a very hard tag the last few weeks. And I suppose a bit of a bit of it comes on to us as a midfield group to sort of look after him and try and get him the ball when we can. But I think the great thing about Zak is that he's played a selfless role as well and creating two v ones or doing the team things first. So as a team, we'll manage that and as a midfield group as well. I guess it probably is a bit frustrating (for him) but that's what happens when you’re one of the best players in the comp but he loves a challenge and he'll be up for anything.”