Jason Horne-Francis says he and his teammates are attacking the rest of the season with confidence. Image: AFL Photos.

Port Adelaide midfielder Jason Horne-Francis says the team has taken fresh confidence and belief from the emphatic win over Sydney on Saturday night. 

The 21-year-old said he feels the group are hitting form at the right time, and is looking forward to seeing their contested, high-pressure football continue over the coming weeks. 

Horne-Francis spoke with the media on Wednesday, touching on how it felt beating the Swans, how the season is shaping up, and if he sees himself as a future leader of the club. 

Horne-Francis on the win over Sydney

“It's obviously really pleasing, but I think you've just got to take it week after week. And you know, we've got another good opponent coming up this week, so I guess we appreciate what we did on the weekend, but at the same time, we're quickly jumping to Melbourne this week. 

“I think I looked up the scoreboard just after halftime. It was 98 to nine, or something like that, it was something ridiculous. And yeah, I kind of just looked at the bench, and had a bit of a smile, and like, appreciated how good in the moment we were actually playing. And yeah, I guess it feels like going back to last year, how we went on our big win streak. You know, our pressure was up, and we were all joining in, and then we were just playing offense off that. It was really good to be out there and to watch.” 

Horne-Francis on the morale of the group at the moment

“(The win on Saturday) has given us an amount of confidence, I think, and belief. I think previously, we knew our best was good enough, and we probably just haven't brought it out enough. And I think, you know, the past two weeks, we've brought it out against the top two sides. So it's really pleasing, and it gives us a lot of confidence going into the next three weeks and then finals as well. I think, you know, we're just starting to find our groove a bit on how we play, and getting a bit of continuity with the group as well. And so I think this is maybe a moment to propel us (into the rest of the season).  

“I guess we peaked midway through the season last year. And I guess it's good this year we're peaking at the right time, as everyone would say, so yeah, it's really good. And I think, you know, this time of the year, everyone's going to be sore. It's a long season and bodies are going to be hurting. So as much as we can manage and get through week after the week and put ourselves in a good position to win games, we can.” 

Ollie Wines is mobbed by his teammates after kicking a goal after the siren against Sydney. Image: Matt Sampson.

Horne-Francis on the improvement of the midfield

“I think the focus has just been getting back to our DNA, which is just, you know, hunting the oppo if we don't get the ball, and if we get it, then just playing our offensive way. And I think that's what we got back to the past couple weeks, it’s getting our pressure up. The midfield group as a whole, if our pressure’s up, you know the team's going to be up as well. So I think, going into these next couple of weeks as well, that's going to be our focus. 

“I think when all of us in there (the midfield) are up and about, you know, we've got so many boys in there to complement each other. Drewy (Willem Drew) and Wol (Ollie Wines) are our big bulls, and they go to work in there. So we love when they're up and about, going well. And then we've got Zak and Connor, they give us a bit of polish on the outside. And there's many more that just play their role. So yeah, I think everyone's just getting to be really clear on their role and playing their role. And like I said, our pressure is really high, which is really good.” 

Horne-Francis on playing at the MCG

“This might be maybe my fourth or fifth time, but it's the home of footy, and it's a great venue to play at every time you get an opportunity there. So I'm sure the boys are really excited. That's where the GF is played so, you know, we need to get used to the ground if we want to be there. So you like I said, it's really exciting to get the opportunity.” 

Playing on the MCG will be a valuable experience according to Horne-Francis. Image: Brooke Bowering.

Horne-Francis on Todd Marshall

“Yeah, he’s fit and well, which is good, which is pleasing. We love to see Todd up and about. He brings so much joy to the group. So it's great to see him out training again. So I'm sure he'll be fit for selection this week. He's definitely ready. He's done the work in the past couple weeks to get his body right, and I know he's been doing a mountain of work, so he's definitely ready. But, you know, they'll have match committee this afternoon so it will be good to see (what happens).  

“He just brings so much polish up there, like he's such a good mover around the ground for his height…we love having him down there. He brings so much energy. He's such a bubbly character so we love him down there.” 

Horne-Francis on his form this year

“Yeah, I think it's been good. I feel like I’ve just started to get a bit of consistency around my footy, which is really pleasing. And that's the main thing, you know, you want consistency. You don't want to be a highlight reel. And I think maybe in previous years, I probably have been. And I guess it's good to play some consistent footy now. I think everyone’s working, week in, week out. I'm working a lot on my mindset stuff (especially for) in-game, when things aren't going well, that's main thing I'm probably focusing on at the moment. 

“It's my third year now and I had a good pre-season, and things are going well this year for us, we've put ourselves on a good spot on the ladder. So that's really pleasing as well. Everything around the club's just helping the fact that I'm probably getting more settled.” 

Horne-Francis says he believes he is starting to find consistency in his game. Image: Matt Sampson.

Horne Francis on trying to avoid giving away free kicks

“It's just trying to talk to as many people as I can throughout the week, and grab ideas and what I can do. And, you know, also talking to the leadership group and the players on what I need in that moment and what they can provide for me, which has been really pleasing for them to reach out and give me that help. So it’s been really good to just work through it this year.” 

Horne-Francis on his leadership aspirations

“I feel like I'm a natural leader. And I want to lead by example whenever I can. So I think, you know, even if that's not the leadership group, whenever I can lead by example and help the young boys out, I'm always trying to. So I'm sure, when the moment’s right, Ken will ask me. 

“Me and Trav (Boak) are close. And I'm close with Connor and Zak as well, and they're currently in the leadership group, and they're young leaders as well. So I feel like I've got so many people I can learn off at the club, which is so pleasing for me, and I'm so grateful for that. So, yeah, whenever I can just ask questions, learn off them, I do.”