Willem Drew spoke to Adelaide media today. Image: AFL Photos.

Port Adelaide midfielder Willem Drew is confident the group can change its finals form around, with the side ready to bounce back from Thursday’s Qualifying Final loss. 

The team came together on Saturday to review the game, making a collective commitment to take the learnings and look ahead to Hawthorn. 

Drew spoke to the Adelaide media on Tuesday about finals football, Zak Butters’ injury status and the responsibility of the midfield in big games. 

Drew reflecting on the Qualifying Final 
“Yeah, I suppose for us, just quickly, probably touching on last week's game, obviously extremely disappointing. And for us, we came back in on Saturday a bit earlier than we were meant to, and just (reviewed) the game. And from then on, we've just sort of moved our focus onto this weekend. And you know, it's a massive opportunity for us. Hawthorn are in good form, and for us, I suppose, in the past, we've been able to get back in form pretty quickly. So we're hoping to do that on Friday night.  

“We had some pretty honest and open conversations, as we've done for most of the year. So yeah, the boys really bought in and had some honest chats. And I suppose for us, it was probably more just around work rate and effort and if we don't show up with that, then we're probably no hope of winning footy. So that's something that we're definitely going to bring on Friday night.” 

Drew said the side had many honest conversations following the Qualifying Final loss. Image: AFL Photos.

Drew on rebounding from the loss 
“We just know in the past, we have been able to do it. And we had a great training session today, and the energy was up and the boys are feeling good.” 

Drew on the mental side of finals 
“Personally I don’t think so (that we are mentally fragile) but our record (in finals recently) obviously isn't great. You know, I think we’ve lost the last four or whatever to a fair margin. But for us, it's about just keep putting ourselves back out there and we have no doubt that this Friday night we can put on good performance and really show what we're capable of.  

“Just the trust we have between the group (shows us we can bounce back). I touched on before that our past performances haven't been great in finals. But, yeah, I've got no doubt, full faith, that we can turn that around this Friday night.” 

Drew on the responsibility of the midfield 
“We definitely probably got touched up there on the weekend. And yeah, we obviously had our midfield review, and we touched on a few things. So, yeah, definitely got a few focuses going into this Friday night. Yeah, definitely (we challenged ourselves to lift). I think in big games. You know, it's probably won or lost in the midfield in certain games. So, yeah we're really excited to get back out there.” 

Drew said the midfield is excited to get back out on there on Friday. Image: AFL Photos.

Drew on the work-rate in Thursday’s game 
“No, nothing stands out (as to why it wasn’t at the level). It was a massive game for us, and for some reason we didn't show up, which is really disappointing. And, you know, obviously our fans were really disappointed, but so were we. But as I've said, we've moved our focus and shifting to this Friday night, and we’re really excited. 

“I think back to our last eight weeks. We've been in super form coming into the finals. That gives me a lot of confidence. We played some big games and had some big wins, so we’ve got full faith in the group. And obviously the game against Geelong wasn't what we wanted, but in the past, we've shown we've been able to change that around, and change that around quickly. So that's what gives me the confidence.” 

Drew on the game being sold out this Friday  
“Yeah, it's absolutely massive. We know how passionate our supporters are and it means so much to us to run out there with a massive crowd and we really hope we can get the win on Friday” 

Drew on Jack Ginnivan’s social media comment 
“I did see that comment or whatever on social media, but look, I'm sure all the Hawthorn players are confident they're going to win, and I'm sure that we're all confident we're going to win. So look, it goes both ways. We're more focused about us, as we have been all year, and focusing on the things that we can do. Look, we're going to be motivated for this game, it's a massive game for the club. And everyone's super excited.” 

Drew said it was "absolutely massive" to see that Friday's final is sold out. Image: AFL Photos.

Drew on Hawthorn’s small forwards 
“Obviously, their small forwards are really lively down there and provide a great amount of energy for their team. So yeah, it’s a great challenge for our backs to be able to stop them and also get the ball and get it going our way. Obviously, in the Geelong game we were beaten out the back a fair bit, and then as you touched on Hawthorn (can do) a similar thing. So yeah, definitely, we are focused on that and I’m sure we'll fix that up.” 

Drew on Zak Butters’ injury 
“Yeah, Zak trained well today, obviously in a (non-contact) pink hat, so didn't train fully, but when he was out there, he was moving well. And yeah, I think he's giving himself every chance to play. Obviously, got a couple more days to sort of see how he pulls up and whatnot. But yeah, we’re hoping to have him out there. I think he'll probably do a little bit of contact training just to make sure but he's been all cleared of some structural damage and whatnot. So, yeah, see how he goes later in the week. Buttsy’s probably one of the most competitive people I’ve ever met. If he can play any sport and he's fit enough to play, he'll be out there. So, yeah, I've got no doubt that he'll make the right decision, and the doctors and whatnot.”  

Drew on the mindset of playing through pain at times 
“Yeah, absolutely, I've got no doubt that probably both teams have got people playing through injuries and whatnot. And obviously being able to get up for a massive final is what we all want to play for. And so I suppose it's just about getting in that mindset. And yeah, I have no doubt any of our boys will be ready to go.” 

Drew said the group has had a great attitude heading into the knockout Semi-Final. Image: AFL Photos.

Drew on learning from big losses 
“Yeah probably looking back to that Brisbane game, we had open and honest reviews as well, which really led to some good conversations and the coaches have been super and have been able to sort of simplify the review and work out what went wrong. So, yeah it's been a little bit of that. The coaches have been great, the boys have come in with good attitudes, obviously disappointed for the first 24 hours, and then we've really shifted our focus to Hawthorn and really looking forward to Friday night. 

Drew on Charlie Dixon 
“Charlie's been massive for the group over the group over the last probably eight weeks, and he probably didn't have his best game on the weekend, but what he provides in the air and his contest is massive for us. And yeah I absolutely love playing with him. At this stage, I think he’ll play (but) obviously match selection hasn't come out yet, so leave that up to coaches and what they think. It’s probably a difficult thing to sort of say this was the reason, or that was the reason (but) for us it's about coming out there on Friday night, being ready to go from the first bounce, bringing our energy, bringing our pressure, which definitely wasn't there against Geelong. So that's going to definitely be one of our focuses going into the game. We've shifted our focus, and we definitely don't want the same thing to happen again.”