PORT ADELAIDE has today reached 50,000 members for the 2015 season.
It comes more than two months earlier than the time it took to reach the same milestone in 2014, highlighting the continued momentum the club has built in the past 18 months.
In 2014, the club signed its 50,000th member in the first week of April.
It bodes well for a football club determined to exceed expectations set at the Adelaide Oval last year with a strong performance both on and off the field.
Chief executive officer Keith Thomas told portadelaidefc.com.au the club is well on the way to challenging the 60,000 mark.
“It’s an incredible uptake and we go into this season safe in the knowledge our supporters are right behind us,” said Mr Thomas.
“This football club is nothing without its members, they’re the ones who raise the bar for us and keep us accountable and we thank them for their loyalty, passion and patience as we’ve worked through the incredible demand in the lead-up to the season.
“You can only anticipate what might happen each season with the number of renewals you might have, but to reach 50,000 members three months ahead of your previous record is truly remarkable.
“We’re firmly focussed on hitting 60,000 members this year and we’re confident we can do it.
“Just as the players are putting in the hard yards on the track, we’re working long hours now to make sure our people are given another industry-leading game day experience in 2015.
“The club has got many blockbuster games this season at the Adelaide Oval, and the best way to see them is by becoming a member.”
With Port Adelaide’s membership renewal window closing on Wednesday, the club’s membership team will now commence with processing seat change requests from existing seat holders before the reserved seats that have been released become available to those on the Wait List.
The Power’s general manager, marketing and consumer business Matthew Richardson says there even with around 3,000 people currently on the Wait List, there is a chance many of these people will be given the opportunity to secure a reserved seat or western stand membership for 2015.
The Port Adelaide army is growing at record speed. Picture: AFL MEDIA
“Following the close of reserved seat renewals on Wednesday, we believe there should be sufficient reserved seats and Essential category memberships made available to all current Wait List members,” Richardson told portadelaidefc.com.au.
“Anyone who is still thinking about joining the Wait List for a reserved seat shouldn’t hesitate.
“Even if they aren’t successful this year, they will move up the cue significantly for 2016.
“Of course, all Wait List members purchase an 11-game general admission membership as part of the process, so it’s still possible to get access to all our home games in 2015.
“We will be providing general admission members with priority access to the available daily reserved seats, so it’s the best option for supporters who want to have the luxury of a reserved seat membership in the future.
“The allocation process for wait list members to secure available reserved seats will finish in March.”
Join Port Adelaide’s Wait List for a reserved seat or Essential Power membership today.