Port Adelaide’s pre-season camp on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast continued on Friday with a heavy training day. Here rookie Trent Burgoyne provides an insight into the day at Maroochydore and Lake Kawana.

It was a fairly early start with the boys. We had to be up for breakfast and in the car by 7:30am to get to Maroochydore for training. It was about 15 minutes away from our accommodation. The Multi Sport Complex had three footy ovals and I think we’ll spend more time there while we are up here.

It was a big session, mainly focussed on structural play. It was pretty high intensity and I was pretty stuffed after every drill!

We headed back to Lake Kawana and had lunch (below is a photo of the lunch area at our accommodation) before heading into running rotations and gym work.

I had running first. It was a lot faster paced than yesterday but I didn’t mind it because it was a lot of shorter stuff. That suits me a bit better than the long distance stuff.

Once we did that we walked over to the gym and followed the program they’ve set me. At the moment it’s about working on strength and technique and I think after Christmas I’ll be working on achieving personal bests, and lifting pretty heavy and putting on bulk.

Miles Bergman impressed me, he was pretty good with the weights but he was acting like a big shot. I’ve done a fair bit of weight training before being drafted but nothing like some of the guys. I saw Wylie Buzza benching some massive weights.

When that was done, we had a break for an hour so I just iced up for about 40 minutes and had a shower before laying down for 15 minutes. We had a team meeting around 5 and then we headed off for a feed at the surf club.

I’m pretty tired and sore but we’ll go again tomorrow. I heard someone say it’s going to be a really early start tomorrow so that will be fun.