THE family of John McCarthy has thanked the Port Adelaide Football Club community ahead of Saturday’s tribute match at AAMI Stadium.

John’s parents Shane and Cath - together with his siblings Matthew, Frances, Elizabeth and Jane - have been deeply touched by the reaction of Port Adelaide members and supporters following their son and brother’s passing.

They are sincerely grateful for the show of affection for John and support for his loved ones since tragedy in September.

It was best demonstrated by the shrine that grew daily outside of Port Adelaide’s Alberton clubrooms and the turnout of more than 2000 people at a public memorial on the oval coinciding with his funeral in Victoria.

“I just thought they were incredible to think they all turned up for the memorial service and when we saw that we were just overwhelmed,” Cath said.

Shane added: “We had a choice of having a private funeral or a public funeral and the support we had from the Port Adelaide community – the club and its supporters – was a major factor in having it televised back to Alberton.”

John’s parents say they expected John to endear himself to supporters when he moved to Port Adelaide ahead of the 2012 season.

“I just know he loved it there and all of the people involved,” Cath said.

“He has always given a lot of himself to others. He was a real giver and really engaged.”

“We’re just blown away and we just can’t believe how his life has touched so many people and so many clubs, not only at Port Adelaide but Collingwood and Sorrento football clubs,” said Shane.

“We just feel humbled, that’s all.”

John made his faith in the Port Adelaide Football Club known to those closest to him.

“I would like to say he had a tremendous belief in this club,” said Cath.

“He said it was like Geelong and Collingwood when they first started rebuilding and were young teams.

“He said: ‘Mum, there’s a wonderful feel here and this is going to be a fantastic club’ and he really believed that.”

Saturday’s tribute game has been planned in full consultation with John’s family.

“We feel just so honoured for John in that he touched the club in this way,” Cath said.

“Port Adelaide has handled this delicately and with sensitivity.

“The players are all Johnny’s mates and we’re for them 100% and we just want them to get out there, have fun and do the best they can knowing Johnny’s behind them.”