PORT Adelaide Football Manager Peter Rohde says that while youngsters Fabian Deluca and Travis Boak showed promising signs during the Power’s NAB challenge game against Sydney on Saturday night, he hopes the pair will improve even more during the coming season.

The visitors were defeated by 69-points at Sydney’s ANZ stadium.

"There are a few positives there were a few blokes who put their hands up and grabbed the opportunities but over all it was disappointing obviously,” Rohde said.

"He (Deluca) has been at the club now for three years so it is time he stepped up and showed us a few things. He is a ruckman of the future we hope…I thought Travis Boak was very good and worked really hard. He played pretty well last season but now we expect more and more of him I suppose but tonight was a good sign."

As well as trying out some of the squad’s younger members, the Power welcomed back the Burgoyne brothers to action.

"Shaun Burgoyne's first half was very good…We got some miles in legs and we got six or seven guys playing their first games for the year so it was a chance to get them out there.”

Next week the Power continue their road trip to Melbourne where they take on Collingwood.