Port Adelaidefaces ladder leaders Hawthorn and Geelongover the next fortnight, with the outcome of these games expected to dictatethe club’s place in the eight.
The Power were disappointed with thethird-quarter fade-out against Carltonand Cornes said the next two weeks would be a good test of the team’s resolve.
“It will probably test our ability to nottake our foot off the pedal and really grind games out, even if it’s notpretty,” he said.
“We need to play harder football and weneed to play more stingy football, I guess. If we want to be top four, I’m notsure what the numbers are, but we’ll probably have to win two. I think that’svery realistic, to think we can win two out of the next three.”
Port Adelaideholds the mantle of the league’s second-highest scoring team, but has alsoconceded more points than any other team in the eight.
On Saturday Carlton almost conjured the unlikeliest ofvictories after the Power failed to stop the Blues kicking seven unansweredgoals in the third term.
Cornes said defensive play and ‘tempofooty’ were areas the team would focus on heavily during the week.
“First and foremost we want to be a fast,attacking football side and we want to kick high scores. We don’t want to playboring footy, and I think that’s to the credit of all the players and thecoaching staff that we’ve been able to do that,” he said.
“But when we’re not scoring we need to bebetter with the football and stop the opposition scoring. During games we’veturned the ball over and our skills haven’t been good enough, which has hurtus. It’s an important part of the game now and we’ll definitely keep workinghard on it.”
In round 10 Port Adelaide let a 21-pointquarter-time lead slip to succumb to Hawthorn by 34 points.
The Power’s leading possession winnerdescribed that loss as one of the “most disappointing of the season” and saidthe Power would be seeking redemption in Tasmaniaon Sunday.
“This week especially is huge. I don’t wantto use clichés, but if you look at the ladder we’re both pretty equal. They’vehad a great season, they destroyed us at home and pretty much embarrassed usearlier on in the year, so that’s always in the back of your mind,” he said.
“We play well down in Tassie so there’s alot going for us this week and it’s going to be very interesting to see how theboys respond after probably a disappointing game on the weekend.”