Do you have any pre-game superstitions?
Not really. I’m usually pretty relaxed until I get out onto the ground.

What’s your earliest football memory?
Winning the grand final in U9s or U11s. I played for Henley Football Club and we won a fair few flags, probably four or five during my time there.

What’s your favourite item of clothing?
I’ve got to say jeans.

Who is your best mate at the club?
Hamish Hartlett. I spend a fair bit of time with him. He’s in the backline group and we hang out a bit. I’ve also known him since juniors.

What would you be doing if you weren’t on an AFL list?
I’d be studying at uni, doing a bit of part-time work and playing for Woodville-West Torrens on the weekend.

Are you still living at home?
Yes, I live nearby with my mum, dad and brother. My brother’s just turned 17. He’s playing school footy this year, but might give the Eagles a crack next year.

Who is the funniest guy at the club?
David Rodan. Some of the stuff he does cracks me up and whatever he says is funny. He gets up on top of the ice baths, makes a whole lot of noise so everyone looks at him and then does a huge bomb into the ice bath. The water is just above head height and it’s obviously freezing.

What song would you choose to sing at karaoke?
You wouldn’t get me up there. I’m not much of a singer.

What was your first job?
I worked cooking the chicken at KFC. I used to eat a bit of it during my breaks, but I can’t do that anymore.

What’s your trademark dish in the kitchen?
I can’t really cook. I can make pasta, but that’s about it.

What would we usually find in your locker at the club?
Not much. Just a few sheets of paper and probably some dirty socks.

What would you do if you were Prime Minister for the day?
I’d probably do what Ruddy [Prime Minister Kevin Rudd] did and give everyone $900 to keep them happy.