Erin Phillips will hang up the boots after Saturday's clash against the Giants at Alberton. Image: Matt Sampson.

Cross-code sporting legend Erin Phillips has called time on her incredible career, with this Saturday set to be her final NAB AFLW game. 

It’s fitting that her career will end at Alberton when so much of her childhood was spent cheering on her dad Greg, from the sidelines.  

Phillips, alongside Port Adelaide senior coach Lauren Arnell, spoke with the Adelaide media on Tuesday about her career, what led her to her decision and what comes next. 

Phillips on when she knew she would retire 
“I kept things pretty open. Coming here on a two-year deal hoping to honestly play one game and to get through two seasons, I've probably felt somewhere deep inside that it's probably always going to be this year and it was actually probably really evident for me after we won against St Kilda the knees were even more sore and I felt like this was going to be the right time if I could get through this season. So this is something Lauren and I have been chatting about throughout and obviously someone who has been through retirement as well. I spoke to my family and they have been very, very supportive. “ 

Phillips on whether she was ever going to play on in 2024 
“I physically couldn’t. It's a standard for myself as well that I want to be at and I'm not at the level physically where I'd be happy with anymore. Like I said I'm just so grateful I got this much out of my body and I never actually truly believed I could get this far.” 

Phillips on if she has any regrets 
“No, no regrets. It's almost like I've had two fairytale endings to my AFLW career. Finishing off at the Crows with three premierships on a premiership season and then to come here and live out an absolute childhood dream. To be able to represent this club feels right and I have absolutely no regrets. I think everything has worked out the way it should have and I'm happy for how it's gone to plan. I'm so grateful that I got to play at Adelaide. The friendships, the people there mean so much to me still, even being here so I wouldn't' have changed the script at all. 


Phillips on her impact on the AFLW 
“I think there's a collective of people that have taken this game to where it's gone. Sitting next to Lauren as a pioneer of this game who was in an inaugural team, (assistant coach) Sam Virgo as well, there's a lot of us who have been really privileged, Ange and Justine, we've been here since day one. I think this competition keeps getting better and better and to see all 18 teams I this competition, the standard of growth, it's exciting and that's one of the most satisfying parts of it is to sit back now after I'm done and kind of reflect on where this league is and see how much, even if it's a tiny bit of impact you've made on such a great league.” 

Phillips on telling dad, Greg of her retirement 
“He was really supportive. I don't think he's ever not been, to be honest. He always says you know you're a long-time retired so make sure when you do it's the right time and I definitely feel it's the right time. He's as proud as punch for me to get the opportunity to play here and finish here. I'm sure you'll see him in the stands on Sunday with a couple of tears no doubt.” 

Phillips on what comes next 
“The biggest thing that I would like to do is take a bit of time out to evaluate what's next. I think I've been in an elite sporting environment since I was 16 years of age, which is longer than some of my teammates have been alive. Having a bit of time just to reset and figure it out, the hardest part will be to find something to do as much as I love playing football and competing. I'll take some time, go back to the States with my wife Tracy and kids and kind of figure it out. It's funny, I've always had a plan, I've always had a three-year plan and for the first time it's a little bit unknown and I'm okay with that.” 


Phillips on her favourite AFLW moments 
“It's hard to sit here right now and reflect on all those moments. They're all special, they all mean so much to me and I don’t have a favourite one, they all mean everything to me. I'm sure down the track I'll take a breath and sit back and go through all those magical times but god I've been so lucky, I really have, and played with some fantastic teams and to be able to experience those moments, it's just amazing.” 

Phillips on playing a grand final in front of a packed Adelaide Oval 
“That was incredible. To this day, when I think about the rafters filled at Adelaide Oval coming to watch an AFLW game, it was a proud moment not just for female football but for female sports in general. I can't quite put that in to words. I know for some of my teammates that did play in that game, that's still the most memorable to see how many people were there supporting us.” 

Arnell on Erin's impact on the game 
“Fortunate or unfortunate to have played against her from season one and I think the standard that she set early, by far (she has been) the most dominant player in the competition since day one. From our football club's perspective, as I mentioned earlier, the type of person Erin is, I think the legacy she leaves within not just our playing group but our whole football club in how much of a Port Adelaide person she is, is one thing, but the success and the standards and the type of person that we value here at our football club, she's just been an incredible role model, across all sport and internationally, not just in AFLW. We're just so privileged as a footy club to have had Erin here for two years and to lead our team. It's been an absolute privilege to be her coach and I think she won't be too far away. I'm not sure words do justice to the career that Erin's had as a professional athlete.” 

Lauren Arnell said its been "absolute privilege" to coach Phillips over the last two seasons, highlighting the lasting legacy she will leave on the club's AFLW program. Image: Matt Sampson.

Arnell on whether an AFLW award should be named after Phillips  
“I think all those things will look after themselves and the main thing we take from today is that Erin's maximised as much as she possibly can for herself and her whole career and that's something to be so proud of. As I said to the playing group this morning, beyond just an athlete, Erin is so much more than that and the success and the family that Erin and Tracy now have and what's to come, I'm super excited for them in that space too.” 

Phillips on saying goodbye to her teammates 
“I spoke to them this morning, it was obviously very emotional and I want them to get to the end of their careers and be able to say they did everything they possibly could to be the best athletes they can be and I think success will look after itself if they all do that. They're on the right track. I know our wins and losses this season has been tough and we have to be better but I know that this is a team that has what it takes and it's going to take some time and we’re building but I have absolute faith and belief that they'll get there and super proud so far and even more excited for where they're going to go.” 

Phillips on telling her family of her retirement 
“It was more or less a slow burn, it wasn't a sit-down. I knew I had to prepare them over the course of a few weeks because I knew there would be a few protests. They love coming out and supporting me. I'm probably luck that I got to be at (brother-in-law) Shaun's (Burgoyne) retirement and get the understanding of what that's like. But they're so supportive and they just want the best for me and they know that I've physically got not much left so I'm really proud I can play my final game here.” 

Phillips on returning after her ACL injury 
“After that knee injury, it was a little bit up in the air of what's next. It's always been just keep putting one foot in front of the other, see if you can keep pushing yourself, pushing the limits. I love a challenge and I probably thought after that, that was a challenge to get back there. There are so many great memories from both of these clubs and I'm really glad that I did push the limits. I know 38's probably not ideal but you sign across a 36-year-old from another club but I just hope that I could make this club as proud as I am to be here.” 

Phillips on this weekend’s final game 
“I just love to win for this club and for my teammates. I know it's going to be an emotional game for me personally, obviously my last but you see how much effort and time goes in preparing to play in each game and for me, I just want to win for this group and finish on a high note and get back to that winning feeling which I know, obviously it's going to be an emotional week but I know these girls are going to be ready to go and hopefully get the job done.” 

Phillips on how hard physically the last two years have been 
“Getting to the games is almost the relief, it's the six days in between - the recovery, getting your body back up, getting the right sleep, managing four kids as well and life, and it's tough. But I wouldn’t change anything, I'd do it again. But there's also relief that I won't have to keep doing that now. I've wanted to keep pushing that limit and I'm so glad I did so one more week to get through and get ready for Saturday. 

“The days between getting up for games are really tough. There are so many things besides being an athlete that I'd like to do. I've got four kids, there are nights when I can't go and be involved in coaching basketball because I've got training so I'm really looking forward to being able to be accessible to them and be more involved as much as I can be so definitely the body has told me, it's probably told me for a long time, and I've finally listened to it now.” 


Phillips on the unknown  
“Yeah (it does scare me) a little bit, it does because I've always been a very driven person, always had my ducks in a row figuring out what's next. It's something that Tracy and I, and my manager Tommy and I will work through over the next few weeks but whatever I do, I know I won't be too far away from this club. I'll be involved in some capacity, whether it's as a fan or helping out however I can. I didn’t come here for two seasons to leave so I won't be too far away, I'll probably be up I The Precinct watching trainings. I'll probably end up having a kick, who knows.” 

Phillips on what’s to come for the AFLW 
“I think it's just got to keep growing, it's got to have time. I keep seeing the next generation of young players coming through and I just sit there and shake my head going "wow, they're good, they're really good athletes." They're coming through incredible programs, academies, now we're seeing contracts for 12 months (of the year). It's just to keep building.” 

Phillips on the AFLW giving opportunities for young girls 
“I think about that moment for my parents to tell me that I couldn't play and there were so many girls in my position that weren't allowed to keep going and play football at the age of 13. I look at my kids and think what if my daughters didn’t have this opportunity and they absolutely loved to do something so to see AFLW around for girls that absolutely love this game is something really, really special. 

I think my parents slowly prepared me and did a really good job of introducing me to Rachael Sporn who shifted my gaze, I was obviously looking up to my dad as my hero and I wanted to be like him, but it shifted my gaze to want to be a basketball player like Rachael even though I was a lot shorter. There was just this time that I knew it was coming and the saddest part back then is that I just accepted that's what the reality was for girls that wanted to play and I'm sure Loz was the same and now that's a distant memory, that's something of the past and we can look forward and we don't have to say that to our daughters anymore.” 

Arnell on Erin’s impact on her as a coach 
“The biggest thing for me with Flip has been her ongoing support. I'm a pretty young coach and we know how successful Erin's been as a player in this competition and to have the privilege of coaching her and of her ongoing support and friendship as well has been really impactful for me. You're looking at someone who has conquered international sport and our game so to be able to have had this experience even just for two years with the two of us working alongside each other and doing everything we possibly can to build this program, it's been something that I'll reflect on for a long time and I'll be really grateful for. The main thing for today that I'm pleased about is that Erin and Tracy have so much to look ahead to and this was an enormous chapter of Erin's life that's been so, so successful and now to look ahead and just be so excited and happy for what's ahead for them is the most exciting part of the day. Lots to be proud of in an exceptional career.” 

Phillips on whether or not she is retiring from all sport 
“We were joking that the Port Adelaide Bowls Club might need some players, that's pretty easy on the knees so we'll see what happens but nothing impactful like footy that's for sure.” 

Phillips reflecting on telling her dad of her captaincy in 2022 
“I still walk into this football club today and pinch myself that I got this opportunity. And then to add layers onto that to wear dad's guernsey, to wear the number one and represent this club and not just dad who wore the great number, but some champions of this game who we've lost as well so it's really special. If I actually sit and reflect upon it I get incredibly emotional so I just let it be but it's definitely something that I'll sit down and be really, really proud of ad that moment with dad, that was our moment together and that's something that we'll never forget.” 

Phillips on the possibility of having an award named after her 
I certainly don't play this game to have awards named after you. Whoever gets that honour, it will be well deserved and there are so many amazing females out there who deserve it more than me so whoever gets it, it will be a proud, proud moment. For me right now, it's a focus on Saturday against the Giants and it's going to be an absolute ripper so I can't wait to see all of our fans and supporters down there and hopefully we can pack it out.  

“This game is not about individual people, we all make individual impacts on this game, even my story here is only a small story in this incredible history at this club and I'm just really, really proud to be a part of it. You don't play team sports honestly to win individual accolades, otherwise you'd go and play an individual sport so whoever ends up with those awards, it will be really special but not something that I'm focusing on.”