Logan Evans was awarded the Round 24 Telstra AFL Rising Star nomination. Image: AFL Photos.

Just three months ago, Logan Evans wasn’t even on an AFL list, and now, he’s preparing for an AFL finals campaign. 

The 18-year-old defender was taken by Port Adelaide in the mid-season draft and has showed he has what it takes to make an impact at the top level. 

Fresh from a Telstra AFL Rising Star nomination, Evans spoke to the Adelaide media about what it means to him, how life has changed, and the feeling at the club before heading into finals. 

Evans on being nominated for the Rising Star 
“Yeah, it's pretty nice. Probably not what I'm playing for, but yeah, it's a nice feeling. It's nice recognition. I found out Sunday night after the game, we were at the team dinner and I called my mum, called my dad and my brother and my mum was pretty excited, but yeah, she's stressed out now for the AFL player awards. I’ll see what happens, I guess….but it'll be a cool experience.” 

Evans on adapting to AFL level 
“I think the coaches and just my teammates, the amount of confidence they’ve put in me and for me to be able to play with freedom and confidence has been a big part of me just fitting in pretty well. 

“(It doesn’t feel like) I joined them halfway through the season. For me, I've been here since January (through the SANFL rookie program). So it felt fine, like I already had the relationships with employees and coaches. So that's probably why it helped me fit in so well. 

“I guess just your decision making has got to be a bit quicker (than at SANFL level). But for me, I just don't want to panic. Stay calm. Trust that I'm making the right decision. And it seems to work out with where I'm using the ball.” 

Evans on approaching the Fremantle game on Sunday 
“Just like another game, I guess. Kenny speaks about just taking it week by week, and not worrying about any results outside of our game. So yeah, just playing them like we played any other round, from round one to round 24.” 

Evans on his mindset since missing out on being drafted in 2023 
“Yeah, I think it made me want it more. So just to work even harder because I didn't get picked up. It was disappointing, but there's no point in putting myself back in my shell. (I made sure I) stepped out my comfort zone, and just kept getting to work and ticking over each box. And one day, I (thought) it'd work out.  

Evans is grateful for the confidence entrusted in him by the coaches and his teammates. Image: AFL Photos.

“I thought it was just about taking in as much as I could with different coaches, where I was playing. I got to go to Port from the start of the year in the (SANFL) rookie program. So that was a massive step for me. I felt like it's being in this environment, seeing what it took, and then, yeah, trying to match it and just work as hard as I could. 

“I think it's my want (that evolved after not being picked up). My want to stay in the team, and my want to play at the highest level, with a good group of boys, has been big for me. And them just putting me in good spots and giving me the confidence to fly at a ball or take a kick or, yeah, just get the ball in my hands has been really nice. They helped me out a lot. I feel good.” 

Evans on living at home with family  
“I’m super lucky staying with mum, so I live with mum and my brother and sister. So yeah, I'm very grateful for that. And it's just, it's nice. It's like something else that's not really a distraction. You get to go home to your family after a game, and before a game when you have to fly.  

“I guess it's just good to go home and you're a normal person again. You're with your family. So being able to have that banter with my brother, my sister and my mum is pretty nice. I cop a bit (from my siblings), but I can give a bit back as well. So that's good.” 

Evans on the finals series coming up 
“Yeah, I guess life's just going pretty quick. So it's been a pretty full on and surreal three, four months, and I'm extremely grateful for it. But yeah, just take it all in as I said, enjoy the experience and just keep playing with some confidence and connection with the team. 

“I think if I said a few of us weren't nervous, we'd be lying. But I guess for me, nerves means you want to do well. So yeah, there's a lot of excitement as well. But I think it's always good to have some nerves because it means you care.” 

Evans on stepping up with Houston, Farrell missing for finals 
“I think as a backline, we’ve all got to step up I guess so it's not just one person taking a massive step, it's everyone taking a few steps forward and being able to cover the roles all together and as a cohesive group.” 

Evans said the whole backline would step up in the absence of Dan Houston and Kane Farrell. Image: AFL Photos.

Evans on his coaches 
“He (Ken) was just giving me just the feedback I wanted to hear, and just being a coach, which is really, really good for me. So not even just Ken, all the coaching staff here have been amazing for me. (They tell me to) just take it game by game, play with plenty of hunger. So I guess for me, I'm playing every game like it’s my last game, because I've only played 10 games. So I know my spot’s never really sealed. So yeah, just keep playing like it's my last game.” 

Evans on his biggest influence at the club 
“Miles Bergman's been huge for me. Me and him are good mates. I look up to him. We do a lot of stuff, even like on our off days, we come into the club, I do recovery with him.  He's been a really big factor for me with how hard he works, his want to defend and his push in attack has been what I try follow. He's been a really big factor for me.”